Wychmere Seed Group welcomes like-minded people from diverse backgrounds, independent of race, age, gender, or identity. We offer various opportunities for involvement that reflect interest, personal preference, and level of commitment to the path of Druidry. There are no fees for participation in Wychmere Seed Group, though participants are asked to bring food items for our potluck meals, and sometimes supplies for rituals. Please read below for more information. 


Anyone who has an exploratory interest in Druidry or who simply wants to experience an annual cycle of seasonal, nature-oriented rituals may request to attend ceremonies and events that are open to guests. Since many of our activities take place at the private residences of members, guests are generally requested to meet with members beforehand to discuss their interest in the group and Druidry. 


To become a member of Wychmere Seed Group, a person must be an initiated member of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids (OBOD) and have attended at least one of our seasonal ceremonies as a guest. Persons interested in becoming members should contact our group Facilitators to make their interest known, at which point current members will make a determination based on the needs of the group. New members participate in a Welcoming Ceremony and are then encouraged to take active roles within our rituals and to offer music, poetry, stories, or other entertainments during the Eisteddfod following ritual.


Members who have been actively attending our events for at least a year and a day may request to become Stewards of the Grove. Stewards adopt one or more specific roles of service to the group and function as the coordinators of our official Seed Group events and activities. New Stewards work with Facilitators to determine the best role(s) of service, taking into account personal interest, skill, and group need. 


In keeping with OBOD tradition, our Seed Group has two Co-Facilitators who ensure that our community proceeds and grows in line with OBOD philosophy and practice and provides a nurturing and safe space to explore Druid spirituality for its members. Our Co-Facilitators also serve as contact persons for our group and liaisons with the OBOD office and other OBOD-affiliated groups. 

We strive to follow the guidelines for groups laid out by the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids.

Read more about these guidelines by following the link below: